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What does Shiv Yog mean?

Imagine a seed. Imagine a seed in the ground. Imagine it being exposed to the elements. What happens next? There is a wonderful transformation. A seemingly dead-looking seed transforms into a beautiful life-giving tree. Yes, the elements have a role to play. Someone may even say that the tree was hidden inside the seed but the fact remains no matter which way you put it, the seed changes. In the same manner, men become great men with their thoughts with their actions. Some men become great businessmen some become great saints. Every seed transforms into a tree. And this transformation of ordinary into extraordinary is called Shiv Yog.


Literally, Shiva means supreme consciousness and Yog means union. Imagine it like a smart phone connecting to a Wifi network. Just like Wifi enables the phone to connect to all the information in the world, in the same manner people in a state of Yoga with the supreme are enabled to do great things. Shiv Yog means the path to unification with the supreme. It is a pre-religion phenomenon, which is defined again and again by great men in the form of scriptures, difficult to interpret, but now through the grace of His holiness Avdhoot Shivanand today’s generation can learn this path in its truest, purest form.

How does practicing Shiv Yog help people?

If a man is overweight then because of his weight he will suffer from lethargy heart problems, high blood sugar etc. if a man starts to work upon his body and reduces his weight, he will find that overall all his organs will start functioning properly because our body is an ecosystem of organs. Similarly, if there is negativity in the mind, or emotional blockages, then a person will not just experience psychological turmoil, he will feel restless and burdened in every aspect of his life. This so because life is also an ecosystem of our mind, thoughts and beliefs. Shiv Yog works at the core. It helps people resolve the issues, which lead to the failure in this ecosystem. One cannot say that only spiritual benefit will be conferred through meditation because the fact remains that if you start focusing on any aspect of human existence then all aspects become healed. For instance, throughShiv Yogsadhna, a person gets peace and relaxation. A peaceful person will be more understanding and loving in his relationships, leading to a happy family life. A happy state of mind will enhance a person’s productivity at work, bringing him more fortune and with more fortune, a person can meditate deeper without tension of the future, hence achieving more peace and now imagine the same cycle continuing till infinity but each time with greater outcome. So if a person asks in which ways Shiv Yog will help me, I will only say in every single way.

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